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Denver, Colorado Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Denver Colorado Alcohol Addiction and Abuse treatment clinics. List of Denver, Colorado alcohol treatment services offering diverse forms of addiction treatment including; out Denver out patient, Denver christian, Denver 12 step programs, Denver drug treatment and alcohol addiction counseling. Denver Teenage Alcohol treatment services. All located in Denver, Colorado.

Arapahoe House
8801 Lipan St, Denver, CO
Category: Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers

Alcoholics Anonymous
2785 N Speer Blvd # 224, Denver, CO
Category: Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers

Excel Alcohol Treatment Program
1660 S Albion St # 420, Denver, CO
service: Denver Alcohol treatment

Community Resource for Alcohol & Family Treatment
200 S Sheridan Blvd, Lakewood, CO
Denver, Colorado Family Alcohol Rehab

B I Day Reporting Center
1630 Welton St # 200, Denver, CO
Category: Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers

Denver Colorado Alcoholics Anonymous
2243 W 32nd Ave # 103, Denver, CO
Category: Denver Colorado 12 step program, Alcoholism Information & Treatment Centers

Addiction ResearchTreatment Services – Adult Outpatient: Outpatient Clinic
1827 Gaylord St, Denver, CO
Denver, Colorado Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Clinic

Community Alcohol & Drug Rehab
3315 Gilpin St, Denver, CO

Aurora Center for Treatment Inc
1591Chambers Rd # E, Aurora, CO

Get the Denver, Colorado alcohol addiction treatment you need today. Click on one of the treatment facilities to find out more about their services available in Denver, Colorado.

How to Quit Drinking Permanently Book Review

How to permanently stop drinking and stay sober.  There are a lot of books that teach you how to quit drinking. Quiting is not the hard part it is staying sober that is hard. This book teaches you how to identify the problems that are stopping you from quiting drinking and how to permanently quit drinking. Now this seems like an easy thing but most people fail for a long time before figuring it out. So why not be wise and learn from others mistakes instead of taking the hard way. Take a short cut and learn from others. Learn how to stay sober and quit drinking permanently.

I know you’ve been down this road before and you’ve read books. Honestly though try this book and if you don’t like it I’ll personally refund your money. Here are some of the things this book teaches you. The book is currently on sale for $30. A measly $30 to change your life.

Click Here! What do you have to lose. Get help and successfully quit drinking. Make this your last attempt.

(1) A way to successfully (and as painlessly as possible) get through withdrawal. But first:
(2) An inner experience that is strong and consists primarily of good feelings and not bad ones
(3) A way to view life that automatically and easily creates a life and feeling of deep fulfillment, inner strength and great purpose.

$30 for a limited time and the price will increase due to demand.

Click Here!

How to Get Free Alcohol Addiction Treatment

How to get free Alcohol Addiction Treatment. Click Here! This book has done the work for you and compiled a list of 1,500 free or almost free Alcohol Treatment facilities. You don’t need to have Health Insurance to get treatment, they won’t charge you an arm and a leg it is truly free Alcohol Abuse Treatment. Here’s a list of some of the great things this book teaches you for a very small price. Why are you waiting get your list of free or affordable Drug and Alcohol Rehab now. You can spend $5,000 – $10,000 or your can spend $20 and get the list of free treatment clinics.

No more excuses. Get sober now. Buy this cheap $20 book and find a free treatment clinic NOW! God wants you to get help.

Here’s the Link: Click Here!

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  • One last time you can get a list of 1,500 Alcohol Rehab treatment centers for free. You can spend Thousands at any facility or your can find one that offers Free or Low Cost Alcohol Treatment by buying this cheap book. There’s really nothing to lose. Spend $20 or Spend $5,000 it’s your choice.

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    Arizona Mugshots of DUI offenders

    If you don’t want to see your Arizona DUI Mugshot then don’t drink and drive in AZ. Arizona has some of the toughest DUI laws in the United States. On the first offense you are faced with mandatory jail time, car installed Breathalyzer machine and severe financial penalties. Your Arizona DUI Mugshot is also posted on the states anti-DUI website that shows all of the pictures of DUI offenders. Your neighbors, friends, co-workers and family can see your DUI mugshot. The new Arizona legal limit for blood alcohol level is .06 which is a little more than 1 beer. So before you drink and drive think about the severe consequences for DUI in Arizona. Not only that but the shame of everyone seeing your Arizona Mugshot.

    Here’s a link to the DUI mugshot website.

    Arizona DUI Mugshots pics

    Arizona Physician Alcohol Abuse Screening

    Arizona physicians may soon be able to start screening for alcohol abuse and prescribing Arizona alcohol treatment drugs. This Arizona alcohol treatment service makes treatment for accessible, private and convenient. Although not everyone will want to go to their Arizona family physician and admit they have an alcohol problem many will. Alcoholism is prevalent in Arizona and many who live in middle class neighborhoods do not have money to pay for alcohol treatment clinics in Arizona. However, by providing local treatment with Arizona physicians it will make alcohol treatment more accessible and affordable to those who need it most.

    “Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems, delivered during routine patient visits to their doctor’s office, can be just as effective as common preventative measures like childhood immunizations and advising patients to take aspirin to reduce the risk of stroke or heart attacks. But few doctors screen patients for alcohol, the Health Behavior News Service reported Jan. 8. ” read the full article here

    Phoenix Arizona Alcohol Treatment

    Phoenix Arizona Alcohol Treatment

    Here’s a list of Phoenix, Arizona Alcohol treatment clinics and services. All of these treatment centers are within Phoenix city limits and provide alcohol support groups, alcohol treatment services, Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohol abuse therapy.

    Alcoholism is an addiction and should be treated with professional help. There are many different alcohol treatment methods available in Phoenix and each patient should find the one that fits their needs. There are Arizona therapy groups, Arizona 12 step programs, Arizona Naltrexone alcohol treatment and Arizona Christian alcohol treatment options. See the list of Arizona alcohol treatment facilities below and find the one that works best for alcohol treatment needs.

    Arizona Prevention Resource

    542 E Monroe St # D, Phoenix, AZ(480) 727-2772

    Banner Behavioral Health

    1441 N 12th St, Phoenix, AZ(602) 254-4357

    St Luke’s Behavioral Health

    1800 E Van Buren St, Phoenix, AZ(602) 251-8535

    Calvary Center

    720 E Montebello Ave, Phoenix, AZ(602) 279-1468

    Wendy Paine O’Brien Adolescent Treatment Center

    7575 E Earll Dr, Scottsdale, AZ(480) 941-7500

    “Great School, Help always provided,… friendly staff, homework hardly ever provided except on occasions. Firdays is educational movie days on history etc.

    Alcoholics Anonymous

    4602 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ(602) 264-1341

    Assisted Recovery Centers of America

    1000 E. Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ(602) 264-7897

    Medically-based, non-12 Step, out-patient treatment program for alcoholism and/or pain pill addiction, located in Central Phoenix. “Naltrexone takes the ‘white knuckles’ out of quitting drinking.”

    Valley Hope Alcohol & Drug Treatment Centers

    3233 W Peoria Ave # 203, Phoenix, AZ(602) 298-7800

    National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

    4201 N 16th St # 140, Phoenix, AZ(602) 264-6214

    Valle Del Sol Inc: Corporate and Community Service Center

    4117 N 17th St, Phoenix, AZ(602) 248-8101

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Symptoms

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Symptoms

    What are the symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or FAS?  First you must know that there are two main types of fetal alcohol syndrome symptoms, physical and mental.  Even if your child does not look like he or she has fas, if you drank during your pregnancy, you should look for mental or emotional symptoms later in development so that you can seek the proper help.

    Fetal alcohol physical symptoms.  Babies diagnosed with FAS will have at least some of these physical symptoms.

    • Small birth weight
    • Small head circumference
    • Small eye openings
    • Smooth, wide philtrum  – the vertical groove in the upper lip
    • Thin upper lip

    Fetal Alcohol emotional or mental symptoms.  Most of these symptoms will be identified as the child matures but are more serious than the superficial symptoms.

    • Attention deficits
    • Memory deficits
    • Hyperactivity
    • Difficulty with abstract concepts
    • Inability to manage money
    • Poor problem solving skills
    • Difficulty learning from consequences
    • Immature social behavior
    • Inappropriately friendly to strangers
    • Lack of control over emotions
    • Poor impulse control
    • Poor judgment
    • Hyper Sexuality is sometimes displayed in maturing males.

    Most children diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are irritable, have trouble sleeping, startle easily and can have many health problems.  Common FAS health problems are heart defects and other problems with their livers, ears and joints.

    Additionally children who have Fetal Alcohol syndrome often have mental developmental delays and have lower than normal intelligence.  Only 15% of FAS children have IQs lower than 70, which is considered lower than average or border line retardation.   However, most FAS children achieve normal IQ levels.

    There are many secondary symptoms of children or adults with Fetal alcohol Syndrome.

    • Trouble maintaining relationships
    • Inability to keep a job
    • Staying in School
    • Mental Health Problems
    • Trouble with the law
    • Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
    • Drug and Alcohol Problems.  FAS often can make a person more prone to have substance abuse problems in adulthood.

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children and adults can be successful in life but need long term support and treatment.  With the proper guidance and support from loved ones they can make the transition into adulthood.

    There are many forms of treatment, support and aid for parents of children or children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Here are some more articles that discuss FAS treatment, FAS support and FAS statistics.

    For information regarding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome treatment or Alcohol Abuse treatment click here.

    Life is Hard for Adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    Adults with fetal alcohol syndrome face huge challenges

    by Tom Robertson, Minnesota Public Radio November 21, 2007 Listen to feature audio

    When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, she risks giving birth to a child with irreversible brain damage. But the problems associated with fetal alcohol exposure don’t end when those children grow up. There are hundreds of thousands of adults across the country affected by a range of lingering disorders.

    Most of those adults have trouble living independently. They often have poor judgment and stunted social skills. Their unpredictable behavior can get them into serious trouble.

    Bemidji, Minn. — There are very few places in the country that specialize in residential care for adults with fetal alcohol brain damage. That’s what makes Westbrook farm west of Duluth so unique.

    It’s a gorgeous setting — 160 acres of rolling pastures and thick forests near the St. Louis River. The farm is home to eight young men struggling with the lasting effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.


    Two brown and white miniature horses nibble hay in the barn. Billy Nelson, 20, gently scratches their ears. Nelson considers the horses his friends — and his therapy.

    “This one’s Drummer and that one’s Chance,” says Nelson. “You can take them out in the yard and run with them, and they stay by your side. They’re really nice horses.”

    Nelson has lived at Westbrook for about two years, but it was a rough road getting here. His mom was a drinker. He and his twin brother were born in St. Paul three and a half months premature. His brother died just a few weeks after birth.

    Nelson was placed in a series of foster homes, treatment centers and psychiatric care facilities. He was into drugs and alcohol, and was prone to violence. Nelson figures if he hadn’t ended up at this farm, he’d probably be in prison.

    “I used to be crazy and all that when I first came here, but then I realized what my plan was to do on this earth before I pass on,” says Nelson. “I need to take the punches and say, hey, just get my stuff together so I can move on in life and better myself. Because if you don’t better yourself, you’re not going nowhere.”

    Westbrook farm was started five years ago by a Duluth nonprofit organization called Residential Services, Inc. The goal is to teach basic living skills to adults affected by fetal alcohol exposure, and help them live independently.

    It’s a population that health advocates say is grossly underserved in this country. Studies show 90 percent have mental health problems, and 80 percent have trouble holding onto a job.


    Nelson and the others at Westbrook lack impulse control and have trouble understanding the consequences of their behaviors.

    Travis Dombrovski, manager of Westbrook, says that means daily life on the farm is unpredictable and sometimes explosive.

    “They break things, and they yell and they scream and they swear, and they’re hyper-sexual,” Dombrovski says. “Assaults, sure, phones being thrown, lots of property destruction. It’s got to be a helpless feeling. It’s got to be scary and it’s got to be hard to understand.”

    Dombrovski says Westbrook’s residents have trouble learning from their mistakes, so instead of punishment, they face what he calls “natural consequences.” For example, when someone gets angry and breaks something, they’re required to fix or replace it.

    Despite evidence that punishment is ineffective on adults affected by fetal alcohol, some 60 percent of them will spend time behind bars. Dombrovski say society needs to take a different approach.

    [full article: link ]

    Blog Entry dated 12/20/2007 1:34 AM

    Fetal Alcohol Exposure May Prime Offspring for Alcoholism

    Rat studies suggest the senses learn to like drinking early on

    By Amanda Gardner Posted 12/13/07

    THURSDAY, Dec. 13 (HealthDay News) — Rats exposed to alcohol while still in the womb learn to like the substance and are more drawn to it as young rats, a new study shows.

    The observation may help explain why teens with prior fetal exposure to drinking may be more likely to abuse the substance, researchers say.

    “[Exposure] to something mom ate during gestation will alter its response,” explained Steven Youngentob, a professor of neuroscience and physiology at State University of New York (SUNY) and member of the SUNY Upstate Developmental Exposure Alcohol Research Center in Syracuse.

    Youngentob is lead author of two studies detailing these findings in the December issue of Behavioral Neuroscience.

    [source: link]

    Cause of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    What Causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is caused by a pregnant mother exposing her unborn child to alcohol.  This exposure severely stunts the development of the unborn child.  The effects extend are varied and often extremely harmful to the child and will hurt their mental and physical development as they mature into adulthood.  

    Risk Levels – Consuming any alcohol while pregnant is harmful to the child’s development but there are different levels of risk.


    High Risk – Confirmed use of Alcohol accompanied by high blood alcohol levels

    Some Risk – Confirmed use of Alcohol with lower than high blood alcohol levels

    No Risk – No alcohol consumed while pregnant


    Although the level of risk goes down if you have lower blood alcohol levels it doesn’t mean that the consequences are less severe.  The best thing to do for your child is to completely quit drinking while pregnant. 

    Drinking Alcohol while pregnant can cause horrible health problems.  List of Fetal Alcohol Symptoms